Not losing any sleep, I've picked up every piece, and landed on my feet has been close to two weeks since the break up. Time has really flown by! I think I am doing a good job with keeping myself busy with my job as well as trying to better myself. I grieved the relationship for a good week, and it is now time to pick myself back on and move on.

It's been three days since my last cry. It's hard when I am talking about the why of the break up because of how I perceive it. I still get the heart punches now and then, but it's nothing I can't handle. I think little things will remind me of Patrick, and I will get little heart punches. I just won't let it bring me down.

I should disclaim for Patrick's sake, that I was his first serious girlfriend. I have a thing of having a dating history of guys who have never been in a real relationship. Lucky for them, what has been the case for my exes is the next girl they have met has ended up being who they married. Unlucky for me, I am left brokenhearted and still single. Anyways, my point of this disclaimer is he is not experienced with how this whole break up should be handled. He contacted a friend/coworker of mine via Facebook asking for my address so he could mail me more things I have left behind. I was a little ticked and also just ugh about it. I ended up sending him the mailing address to the video store since I am never at the apartment during office hours. I am honestly wondering what he will be sending me. I am hoping it's honestly things I left that he feels I will need and not giving me everything I ever gave him...that would probably break my heart all over again.

I have been trying to get a workout routine going, and this week has been going really well! After tomorrow, I will have put in a little over 60 hours of work, and still managed to fit time to work out and sleep. Yay me! I want to share with you some of the goals that I have over the next few months. It will help keep me accountable since I have so many amazing readers, family, and friends that support me and love me.

Goals for June-August
Health: Lose 25 pounds (by end of August. It may vary..I just wanted to make sure I averaged 2lbs/week), get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, make it to the gym 3 days a week, and cook something new.
Financial: Get my $500 emergency fund & start the credit card snowball
Faith: Start reading Bible for Life (A reading program via Brentwood Baptist. I can still access sermons and such via internet & podcast. I really loved that church) and pray every day.
Family/Friends: Try to keep contact with everyone at least once a week, and visit someone each month.

I made a poster, and it's hanging on my fridge for me to see every day. So far, it seems to be working!

It's so crazy to think...I thought I had the rest of my life figured out and my friend for life. Now, I am starting first I hated that thought. I'll be 30 in December, and back to the single life. However now, anything is possible. I've decided online dating is no longer for me. Those who have seen me through my online guys know why. This failed relationship is just the final sign that I need to get out more and meet people. I will embrace these three months in Manchester and enjoy the company of my friends. Then, when I am off to my next place, I am going to get to know my city and enjoy what it offers.

I am so excited for July! I am taking a vacay from July 3rd-9th, and heading up to my hometown of LaPorte, Indiana to visit my family and friends. It will be a long overdue vacay with lots of fun to be had. Til then I am going to keep doing what I'm doing. It seems to be working :)


  1. I'm so glad to hear you are taking time for yourself! I so need to make my plans for myself for the next few months too, you have inspired me now. Your in my thoughts girl keep up this momentum forward, you got this!!


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